A former Worcester student has started his second week in the Gulf serving with the 202nd Field Hospital.

Jamie Coleman, aged 27, is a doctor and holds the rank of captain in the Territorial Army. He flew out to Kuwait last Thursday from RAF Brize Norton.

Dr Coleman who was a student at The Kings School, College Green, joined the TA four years ago when he was a medical student at Birmingham University.

His father John Coleman, aged 78, from Hallow in Worcestershire, said Jamie is now on the front line on the Kuwaiti/Iraqi border.

"We are concerned both for him and all of them who are out there," said Mr Coleman, "We do not know how long he will be there but we are hopeful it is just for a few months at the most."

Mr Coleman, who completed National Service just after Second World War with the Dental Corp , is also hopeful that they will be able to keep in regular contact with his son via email.

"We thought we would not be able to speak for weeks but he has sent emails back home," said Mr Coleman.

He added that any messages sent by Jamie, who now lives in Birmingham and works at the city's Heartland Hospital, would be relayed to friends and family.

Although Mr Coleman has his personal objections to the war he accepts that his son has a job to do and will follow orders.

"He has a job to do and we are all praying that it is over very soon.

"I do not think we should invade another country until that country harms us," he said, "We have no right to harm the Iraqi people."