THE parents of a Worcestershire sailor are hoping he and his friends will be back in the UK soon, now that the Iraq conflict has begun.

Richard Kenney, who is on board HMS Ark Royal somewhere in the Gulf, rang home on the eve of the onslaught.

The 25-year-old from Colletts Green, Powick, is a leading warfare electronics artificer on the battleship.

"We didn't expect to hear from him so soon," said his dad Michael.

"We thought all phone calls had been cut back but they occasionally get a patch in the airwaves that enables them to make calls home.

"We don't know exactly where he is because he's not allowed to tell us anything other than they are three hours ahead of us.

"We want to see him safely home, not just Richard but everyone out there. If it's without millions of the Iraqi population being killed or hurt then that's even better."


Mr Kenney said Richard had not mentioned anything of the anti-war protests around the world but guessed the ship's crew knew of the strength of feeling around the world.

"I suppose they have newspapers sent to them and they've picked things up but he hasn't said anything," said Mr Kenney.

"He has his own views but he's there to do a job."

LWEA Kenney passed out into the Royal Navy in 1999 and has also served on board HMS Illustrious.