TWO stamps bought by a Worcester collector for 36p were snapped up by a valuer for £300 this week.

The 1988 issue stamps commemorated the 400th anniversary of the Welsh Bible and were unusual because they had been produced without perforations.

"I don't know how many exist, but they don't turn up every day," said valuer Ryan Epps.


"I think the collector was quite pleased, judging from the way he bit my hand off!"

Buyer and valuer Steve Matthews said the number of imperforate stamps varied from issue to issue and was more likely to occur when large numbers were produced, such as Christmas stamps.

About 80 philatelists took along their collections to the Stanley Gibbons valuation day at the Pear Tree Inn, Smite, near Worcester.


"It was very busy. We were fully booked for the day, but we didn't see anything else of great value.

"It was chiefly schoolboy and schoolgirl collections," said Mr Epps, whose valuation tour this week also included visits to Hereford and Cheltenham.