PEOPLE are being warned to beware of door-to-door sellers using unscrupulous methods when offering to do odd jobs.

Complaints are growing in Malvern about individuals cold-calling members of the public, offering to do odd jobs and maintenance around the house for as little as £40.

Once the work has begun the callers start demanding more money or they say they want more work.

Worcestershire County Council's Trading Standards has said the problem traditionally increased as the warmer weather approaches.


"We'd warn residents to be careful about buying services from any trader that cold-calls," said Charlotte Renshaw, communications officer at the county council.

"Although the public do have consumer rights when trades people carry out services, in instances like these it is difficult to trace workers once a job is completed."

Trading Standards has a "notice to callers" card emphasising that residents will not buy from doorstep traders.

The card also contains useful contact information on the reverse and information about how to deal with cold-callers.

To obtain a card call Worcestershire Trading Standards on 01905 765373.

People who are approached by cold-callers should call the Consumer Advice team on 01905 765373.