AN adventurous councillor who has tried her hand at quad biking and clay pigeon shooting, to raise £50,000 for Cancer Research UK, has been presented with a certificate by the charity to say thank you.

Councillor Barbara Williams, who is 52 today, raised the amount in two years for the charity, after her husband Andrew died from cancer.

But the Malvern Hills district councillor, from Martley, who has also walked the Great Wall of China and abseiled down Marks & Spencer for the charity, said she did not want to take all the credit, as the community of Martley had helped her immensely with her fund-raising.

Cancer Research UK presented the thank you certificate to Coun Williams and the community at a special presentation, at the Admiral Rodney Inn, Martley.

"I didn't want just my name on the certificate because everybody has helped," said Coun Williams, of Coppice Hill End Bridge.

Joy Cartwright, an event fund-raiser for Cancer Research UK, handed Coun Williams the certificate.

"The money was raised in memory of my husband Andrew who died of cancer in July 2000 at the age of 51.

"He had a brain tumour," said Coun Williams, who has four daughters and three grandchildren.

"A lot of people have said I have instigated the fund-raising events, but you can't do it all yourself.

"Everyone has done a lot of hard work for Cancer Research and it's lovely to have a certificate to say thank you for our work over the past two years."