AT the parish council meeting on March 6, chairman Don Withnall paid tribute to the retiring parish clerk Dianna Preece, who has served the community loyally for 30 years. The name of the new parish clerk will be announced shortly. Parish council elections are due to take place on Thursday, May 1. Completed nomination papers must be delivered to the returning officer at Grange House, Leominster, by not later than noon on Tuesday, April 1.

Yoga classes continue at the parish hall on Tuesday evenings, 7.30-9pm, and Wednesday mornings, 9.30-11am. Please contact Jennifer Balmain on (01531) 640166 for more information.

The annual parochial meeting of Holy Trinity Church will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday, April 29. If you have recently moved to the area and would like to be included on the church's electoral roll please ring me for the necessary application form. On Sunday, March 23, at 6.30pm, it is evensong.

Calling all Harry Potter fans, the next Flicks in the Sticks evening is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets at 7pm on Friday, April 4, at the parish hall.