WHAT beautiful spring weather we have had of late, most of us have now come out of hibernation! Most days someone can be seen walking through the village and we can only appeal to them to please take their litter home. I'm sure its motorists too that toss unwanted items out of their windows. To their credit, a few local people who walk our roads and lanes take bags with them and pick up any rubbish that can be seen on the roadside.

An appeal to dog owners too to pick up their dog mess. You may think its unseen on grass verges but it is an offence to leave dog excrement and fines can be imposed.

The bell ringers at St Peter's Church practice every other Friday. Half a dozen locals started to learn the art of campanology in order that our church bells could be rung at the Millennium. Some of those people have stayed the course and are still improving as time goes on. Kevin Fowkes is tower captain and his enthusiasms and interest in the mechanics of the bells as well as the ringing inspires us all. New ringers are always welcome and age is no barrier. We shall ring the bells for the service on Mothering Sunday, which is a family service and will be held at 10.30am.