THE next session of Young Colwall Players begins on Saturday, March 22, at 10am in the Jean Simon Room at the village hall.

On Tuesday, March 25, the Lent lunch will be held at Chevenham from noon-1.30pm.

The Guides will be holding a quiz on Friday, April 4, at the village hall, starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets, £11, for Roger McGough Everyday Eclipses can be obtained by phoning (01684) 540366 or email This takes place on Saturday, April 5, at 8pm at the village hall.

A concert given by the Bravura String Quartet will be held on Saturday, March 22, at 7.30pm, at All Saints' Church, Coddington. Tickets £6 to include a glass of wine and a raffle ticket. Tickets available from Denis Savage on (01531) 640668 or at church door on the night. Proceeds to All Saints' Church, Coddington Bell restoration.