AT St Anne's Church, in Oxenhall, the service on Sunday, March 16, was matins, conducted by Mrs Jill Bond, who also played the church organ to accompany the hymns. The talk by Mrs Bond dwelt on a Lent-related theme of self-denial and a contrite heart. Mrs Kath Rees read from the bible and together with Mrs Elizabeth James acted as sidesmen. Next Sunday is the nine parish service at Donnington Church at 10am. The Rt Rev John Went, the Bishop of Tewkesbury, will be present. On Mothering Sunday, March 30, the service will be parish communion at 9.30am with the Rev. Colin Crumpton.

Tomorrow (March 22) and Sunday the annual daffodil teas will be taking place at the parish hall opposite St Anne's Church in Oxenhall. These are held from 1-5.30pm. As well as teas, there will be light luncheons. Mr John Anderson will lead a walk of about 40 minutes in Betty Daw's Wood on Saturday and Sunday. These walks are in conjunction with the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. Stalls of bric-a-brac, plants and home-made produce will be operating on both days. For offers of help or donations as well as further information ring Kath on (01531) 820401 or Mary on (01531) 820181. This is the major fund raiser of the year for St Anne's Church and all are very welcome.

The Lent coffee morning on Saturday, April 5, will be at Coldharbour Cottage, Oxenhall, at 10.30am. It is the home of Mrs Kath Rees and there will be a warm welcome for everyone. A bring and buy stall, cakes and a raffle all add to the interest of the morning. Proceeds are for CLIC - Fighting Cancer and Leukaemia in Children through sponsoring a walk in Peru. Doing the walking is Mrs Joan Griffiths, of Cranham, a friend and colleague of Mrs Rees.