ON Sunday, March 16, the service at St John the Evangelist Church in Pauntley was parish communion conducted by the Rev Michael Ward of Ledbury. The bible reading was by Mr Eric Solesbury and the organist was Mrs Anne Solesbury. Dr Simon Holland acted as sidesman.

Next Sunday, March 23, is the nine parish service at Donnington Church, at 10am. On Mothering Sunday, March 30, there will be evening prayer at Pauntley Church at 6pm. There will be posies of flowers for the children to present to their mothers.

A meeting of Pauntley Parish Council was held at Pauntley Memorial Hall, in Brand Green, on March 10 under the chairmanship of Coun Eric Solesbury. It is pleasing to report there were several members of the public present.

At the meeting several planning applications were discussed and the state of the roads was also debated. The vehicular access to Payford Bridge is now closed but there is a walk-way for pedestrians. The bridge was closed on March 10 for an estimated 15 weeks. Two new road signs have been erected at Chapel Pitch and Brand Green Road.

A new council will be elected on May 1 and nomination papers are now with clerk of the council Gwynneth Benjamin. All the present councillors are prepared to stand again for election except the chairman. Mr Solesbury has decided to stand down after many years as a member of the council. He is a founder member and followed John Gallagher as chairman in the early life of the council. Eric has chaired many meetings and has given wise advice over the many years and will be greatly missed when the new council meets on May 12. This will be in Pauntley Memorial Hall at Brand Green.

The chairman of Pauntley Memorial Hal, Eunice Cooper, will be pleased to see players at the monthly bingo session at the hall on Thursday, March 27, at 7.30pm. This is a friendly evening with Eunice as caller. A nice cup of tea and biscuits are served at half time. Proceeds are for the hall funds.