MEMBERS of Staunton and District Over 60s Club were able to take advantage of buying clothes at half price when Jane visited the club with her fashions of winter stock and did a brisk trade. A visit to the Old Chapel and bee shelter at Hartpury is anticipated and there will be a trip in April. The small committee would be very pleased to hear of any fresh speakers or demonstrators willing to visit the club, please contact club leader Nanette Bevan if you can help on (01452) 840640.

A morning get together with coffee and bring and buy will be held on Wednesday, April 9, from 10.30am to noon in the lounge at Johnstone Close. It is planned to continue the coffee mornings, which Marjorie Jones ran monthly in aid of Staunton Church for many years, until she became ill. They will be held at different venues and anyone needing a lift should contact either Audrey Smith 840225 or Pauline Trigg 640686.

Staunton and Corse School PTFA will be holding an Easter Fair on Saturday, April 5, and on May 17 there will be an Auction of Promises. Both events will be held at the school and are in aid of PTFA funds.

Staunton and Corse Amateur Theatrical Society give special thanks to everyone who helped on the nights, the sponsors, advertisers, all who gave raffle prizes, not forgetting Bernard at the Prince of Wales.