For the first time in 18 months, the south face of the 130-year-old St James's church clock is keeping time again, following refitting of the face which had slipped off its supporting plinths. The difficult operation, using a bosun's cradle and lifting tackle, was carried out by two specialists from the original makers Joyce of Whitchurch. An idea of the weight involved can be gauged from the fact that the face, which is nearly 4ft in diameter, consists of a single piece of slate about 2ins thick! Much of the cost was met by a generous legacy to the church by the late Jim Morris of Old Hollow, who died last year

A presentation to Andy Dakin in appreciation of his ten years service (so far!) as quizmaster at the Cricket Club's popular winter events was the highlight of last Saturday's final quiz of the season. Described by chairman Bob Blackbourn as a 'village icon', Andy was first presented with a set of prints featuring the drawings of the village which were on the now exhausted supplies of notelets - for many years standard prizes in club raffles. Then an item which Bob rather unkindly suggested Andy "might make a bit less use of", a brand new cricket bat. We look forward to seeing Andy prove Bob wrong by notching up some good scores in the new season.

The quiz itself was an hilarious affair, thanks largely to some novel and original rounds of questions hatched by Simon Vaughan-Spencer. Despite that, however, the final result had a familiar look when the winning team "One's not going on a Belgian Holiday" turned out to be the usual suspects and unofficial village quiz champions, Brian and Diana O'Connell, Ted Ekins and Sue Dakin, the questionmaster's wife (was that coughing we heard?!). Coughing featured in several team names including the one voted best, Tarrant's Cough Mixtures.

The monthly Century Club prizes for February and March were drawn during the evening, the lucky winners being: February: £25, Tom Twitchett; £15, Dr M. Norton. March: £25, Steve Saunders; £15, Christine Orange.

Next Wednesday there will be a rare chance to see some old photographs of West Malvern in a slide show by chairman Lawrie Gregory at the annual meeting of the Friends of St James's Church. The meeting will be held at the Orange Grove (next the Village Stores) starting at 7.30pm, with the slide show following at 8pm, admission £3 (concessions £2). Copies of the tape, made by a Czech youth string ensemble on a visit to Worcestershire and featured in the Malvern Gazette, will also be available for purchase on the night, price £2.50.

The annual meeting of the Social Club will take place at 8.30pm on Friday and the Cricket Club's Annual Dinner at the Foley Arms on Saturday, March 29. Contact: Dave Cantrell on 572764.