1803: At Hereford Assizes yesterday, Jane Fletcher, aged only 15, for the murder of her new born bastard child, was capitally convicted and sentenced to death.

Theatre, Worcester - the Public are respectfully informed that there will be no Play till Friday next on which evening, by Command of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Cumberland, will be presented the comedy "The Country Girl." In the course of the evening the celebrated Turkish Dancing Song will be sung by Miss Sims.

Wanted immediately in a private family house in Worcester, a House Servant to wait at table etc. One who can dress hair will be preferred. A sober, honest, cleanly man, well recommended from his last place, will meet with a comfortable situation. Apply to the Printer of this Paper.

Bennett and Roberts, wholesale and retail linen drapers, most respectfully acquaint the inhabitants of the city and its vicinity that their new shop at 40 High Street, nearly opposite the Town Hall, Worcester, will be opened from next Monday.

1903: Early last Friday, one of the large trees in the quadrangle of Berkeleys Almshouses at The Foregate, Worcester was blown down by the gale. It fell across the roof of the Rev A. Telfer's house, but fortunately little damage was done.

Advertisement - Suffering people cured of indigestion, wind on the stomach, poor appetite and chronic constipation by Veno's Seaweed Tonic. Success guaranteed or your money returned.

Drunk on his own Licensed Premises - John Cook, beer-house keeper of the Farmers Arms, Bridge Place, Hylton Road was charged at the City Police Court with being drunk on his licensed premises. P.C Smith said he went to the public house to deliver a licence but found Cook in a drunken state, thick in his speech and staggering about in front of the bar. Defendant was fined 10s. with 13s. costs.

1953: Philip Davies, son of the Rev J.C Davies and Mrs Davies of Cropthorne, has been chosen to play Rugby for England in the Calcutta Cup game against Scotland at Twickenham, while John Marshall Wilson, son of Dr and Mrs J.C Wilson of Broad Street, Pershore, is to row No.3 in the Oxford University crew this year.

A Memorial service was held at St Clement's Church, Worcester for Mr David Whitehead who was Master of the Royal Albert Orphanage at Worcester from 1907 to 1937. He died recently at his home in Ombersley Road, aged 84.

Pest eradication specialist, Mr W.L Wynn of Malvern has been called to the historic tiny church at Alfrick to deal with what is probably the biggest scourge of churches - wood-boring beetles. The wood and beams of the medieval roof were recently found to be infested by furniture beetles, death watch beetles and other species.