A St John's orchestra is travelling to Worcester Cathedral to perform with the Worcester Festival Choral Society.

But the OSJ, formerly known as the Orchestra of St John's, hails from south of the Thames rather than west of the Severn.

The orchestra will be joining WFCS to perform Mozart's Requiem, a composition made even more famous by the story surrounding it.

An amateur musician and Viennese count, Walsegg, sent an anonymous letter to Mozart asking him to write a requiem and including half the fee.

Walsegg wanted the requiem because of the recent death of his wife, and he intended to pass off the composition as his own.

Mozart, knowing his own death was at hand, set to work with intensity and emotion to create what he knew would be his own requiem.

In November 1791, the composer's health deteriorated and he summoned his pupil Sssmayr to his death bed to pass on instructions how to complete the piece, which he did the following month when Mozart died.

It was delivered to Walsegg who conducted its first performance and marked the score as his own composition.

The concert includes Mozart's Vesperae Solennes de Confessore and his Sonata for Organ and Orchestra, featuring soloist Daniel Phillips, the Cathedral's assistant organist.

Vocal soloists include Sarah Redgwick, Alexandra Sherman, Rupert Jennings and Robert Rice, and the concert will be conducted by Adrian Lucas.

The performance will begin at 7.30pm on Saturday, March 22.

Tickets are available from the Cathedral shop, tourist information in the Guildhall, or 01905 640845.