When is something going to be done about the dangerous and selfish parking habits of some parents when collecting their children from school.

My daughter attends The Grove School, Malvern, where the attitude seems to be that you must park no further away from the school than one metre.

Every day cars, vans and even lorries park on double yellow lines, over pavements and even in local residents driveways. Children, parents and the disabled are forced into the road to get by and crossing the road is generally much more hazardous.

I have mentioned this problem to our local traffic warden, who, I agree, is only one and with limited time, who said her priority was the traffic at the shopping areas of Malvern Link, Barnards Green and Great Malvern.

May I suggest that a priority should be the safety of our children trying to get to school. Is it too much for even once a week for 20 minutes to target a school, to give out tickets but not warnings as this doesn't work. She would be able to visit each school every one or two months, which should keep these selfish drivers on their toes!

These drivers take no notice of letters sent out by the school highlighting the problem and are at no risk of having penalty notices served by the police or traffic wardens, so what is going to happen?

The answer is nothing until there is a fatality and everyone throws up their arms saying "why didn't someone do something?"

Mr G Lewis, Duke of Edinburgh Way, Malvern.