SIXTY-EIGHT years ago Joyce Jones was told by her cousin that she would marry Gerald Jones and live in Leigh Sinton.

She was 14 at the time and scoffed at the idea. Afterall, she hadn't even met her future husband.

Now, as she celebrates 60 years of marriage with her beloved Gerald, she still marvels at her cousin's prediction.

"We were riding through the village on our way from Malvern when we stopped at his cottage," she Mrs Jones.

"My cousin said I was going to marry Gerald Jones and live in his cottage. And I did."

The couple married eight years later at Holy Trinity Church, Malvern, and have lived in Leigh Sinton ever since.

Mr Jones worked as a wheelwright and carpenter in the village. He also spent 25 years on Leigh and Bransford Parish Council, while Joyce worked as a dinner lady.

The couple have three children - Graham, Sandra and Caroline - and enjoy spending time with their five grandchildren and great grandson.

Mr and Mrs Jones enjoyed a surprise lunch to celebrate the milestone with 40 family members and friends, including many who were guests at their wedding.