THE Callow End-based owner of last week's Gold Cup winning horse, Best Mate, came straight home to celebrate in the village pub.

Jim Lewis saw his champion horse destroy the opposition at Cheltenham last Thursday to retain the trophy won last year. Mr Lewis then returned home with the cup for a night of festivity at the Old Bush Inn.

Landlady Jo Letties said: "It was a very big event. They came straight from Chelten-ham to the pub and there was about 150 people all celebrating in here - it was absolutely packed. The champagne was flowing until closing."

Mr Lewis, a regular at the Old Bush, said: "We had a great night. It was good to see all the villagers.

"It was a wonderful race and Best Mate won with great authority - exciting and a great relief.

"Without question he's the best that I've dealt with. I think he's a horse that's captured the imagination of the punters. When he came over the last fence the roar from the crowd was unbelievable."

As for his plans for the next year, Mr Lewis confirmed that he has his sights set on winning the Gold Cup again to bring his wins to a record-breaking three in a row.