A SUCCESSFUL youth project in Colwall needs adult volunteers to carry on the work it has started.

Youth In Colwall (YIC), a group of seven 11 to 13 year olds, has been meeting to discuss life in the village since September.

With backing from Ledbury Youth First, the group prepared a series of short films and a photographic display on aspects of life in Colwall. The results went on display at Colwall Village Hall last month. Comments highlighted included lack of play equipment on Colwall Green, dog mess, and traffic. Ideas to improve life for young people included organised bike rides and other activities, a film night and a skate park.

"Unfortunately, due to the short-term nature of Ledbury Youth First's funding as a registered charity, they are unable to continue with a long-term project," said assistant youth development worker Sarah Preedy.

"They are looking for local people to take these young people's ideas forward and turn them into something positive."

Anyone interested in helping should attend a meeting on Monday, April 14, at Colwall's Millennium room. More information on 01531 636611.