IN view of the amount of water to have flowed under this particular bridge, it is going to take an awful lot of pride being swallowed for some on Malvern Town Council to face up to the fact the future of its controversial Belle Vue Terrace office needs to be looked at.

The decision by the county and district councils to establish a one-stop-shop at the library does leave the former Manders building looking under-used.

But there is surely a brighter future in prospect for the town council.

While the council does need to get value for money now, it would be sad for the public to lose a building on which so much of their money has been spent.

IF South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust didn't know it before, it knows now that it's going to have the 'mother of all battles' on its hands if it persists with the proposal to move two of Malvern's doctors' surgeries to Townsend Way.

Fortunately, in this case there is still the opportunity for diplomacy to succeed.

The PCT should be sitting down now with Malvern Hills District Council to come up with acceptable alternative sites which meet its needs.

This is a test of good faith for the PCT, which still faces deep public concern over the future of Malvern Hospital.