AN all-singing all-dancing production of the classic musical Bugsy Malone is being staged at Dyson Perrins High School.

Based on the film written and directed by Alan Parker and starring Jodie Foster, the play is a delightful romp through the gangster underworld of 1920s New York. However, the gangsters are all children, the cars are pedal powered and the guns are splurge guns.

Gang warfare is rife between Fat Sam and Dandy Dan, and only Bugsy Malone can save the day.

Marc Soley takes the title role, with Christelle Hurst Earl as Blousey Brown, Carlene Jones as Tallulah, Jasper Johns as Fat Sam and Josh March as Dandy Dan. More than 60 pupils are taking part and the production has its own band to create the perfect mood for the show.

Bugsy Malone runs from Tuesday, April 1, to Friday, April 4, at 7.30pm. Tickets (£4.50 adults, £2.50 children) are available from the school on 01684 564751.