I'M writing to you in response to an article you ran about traffic in Powick. Yawn.

When will these people be stopped?

I don't think they will be happy until they have the whole road grassed over, with a few swings and slides for "local children only", and all traffic diverted.

I cannot understand people who buy a house on a main road and then whinge about traffic. If they want to live in a quiet cul-de-sac, then buy a house in one.

The particular junction mentioned would benefit from being altered, in the name of safety, but why the desire to do away with the dual carriageway?

It's about the only place you can overtake the dawdling villagers.

A rather simpler answer would be to stop people turning right. In my opinion they shouldn't be turning right now, as they are not crossing the road in a straight line.

It should be possible to make them turn left, then allow them to cross the reservation at some point close to the pub. They would have the traffic light phasing to help them, and there is plenty of road to spare since their last campaign got the two lanes shut at the lights.

They have made a mess of the road system through Powick. The only place that should have a 30 mph limit is by the one-way system/

The whinging villagers even have a service road to separate them from traffic.

I wonder if you remember the time driving was considered to be fun rather than a crime?


