100 years ago

That wonderful invention, the phonograph, seems to be growing as popular in the Malverns as it has become all over the country. Seeing the variety of entertainment to be obtained from one of these machines, this is not to be wondered at, and the moderate price at which they can be obtained puts them within the reach of all. Messrs S Hermitage and Sons keep a large selection of records of all kinds for customers to select from. Malvern Gazette, March 20, 1903.

The committee of the Ledbury Cricket Club, the president of which is Mr M Biddulph, proposes to hold a rummage sale at the Royal Hall on Saturday, April 4, 1903, to try to raise some money towards the adverse balance of £13, now existing at the club. Ledbury Reporter, March 24, 1903.

50 years ago

One of the most important scientific appointments in the country has just been accepted by Dr F E Jones of TRE. Dr Jones, who has been with the establishment since 1940 is to be deputy director of the Royal Aircraft establishment, Farnborough. He was the man behind the blind bombing system which played a vital part in the bomber offensive and pre-D-Day tactical bombing. Malvern Gazette, March 20, 1953.

By the death of Mr Cyril John Bevan on Wednesday at his home at East View, Bridge Street, Ledbury has lost one of the last "Old Contemptibles" of the town. Mr Bevan joined the army as a regular, aged 19. During the First World War, when serving in the Royal Horse Artillery, he fought in the retreat of Mons and at the Dardanelles. Ledbury Reporter, March 27, 1953.

25 years ago

A Malvern man, Dr Keith Browning, of Albert Road, has been rewarded for his research into basic understandings of the workings of the atmosphere. Dr Browning is stationed at RSRE and is senior principal scientific officer at the Meteorological Office in their radar research laboratory. Malvern Gazette, March 23, 1978.

The RAF carried out Operation Lift-a-Loo without a single snag. They were called in by Herefordshire and Worcestershire County Council to airlift the two-ton portable loo into the yard at Ledbury Junior School. The new loo replaces a Victorian one. Ledbury Reporter, March 23, 1978.