A WINDSURFER has been left devastated after a "unique" surfing board, £2,000 worth of windsurfing equipment and his holiday caravan were stolen.

Mark Page said the windsurfing board, which appeared in a British surfing magazine was irreplaceable as it was custom-made.

The 37-year-old computer aided designer was at work at Dietec, Leigh Sinton, when the thieves struck and stole the caravan with the windsurfing equipment inside from his front drive.

"When I found out I was absolutely gutted," said Mr Page.

"The caravan had £2,000 worth of windsurfing equipment inside which is not covered by insurance.

"I can't afford to replace the equipment, but the biggest loss is the surfing board.

"It cost me £600 around 10 years ago and appeared in Windsurfing UK.

"I'll never be able to get the same board again and I cannot afford to replace the windsurfing equipment.

"It has a striking yellow and green starburst on the front and bottom with a grey tail like a comet's tail."

Among the surfing equipment were five sails in a bag valued at £350 to £400 each and three art booms valued at £100 each.

The 17ft white caravan, registration number M482 RCF, is a four-berth caravan with a single axle, valued at £2,500.

Hereford police confirmed the caravan was taken between 7.50am and 5.40pm on Thursday, March 20.

"Police are going to be conducting house-to-house enquiries," said a spokeswoman for Hereford police.

Anyone with information should contact Hereford Crime Desk on 0845 444888.