The original piano used by Worcestershire's most famous composer, Edward Elgar, has been used to record a classical CD after being restored to its former glory.

Bredon Hill, the duet played by Elgar and Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw at Lawnside School during the Malvern Festival in 1929, has now been re-recorded on the same piano and is the central piece on a CD called Barrie's European Gold, which was released this week.

The CD, which was recorded at St James's Girls School in Malvern, is the brainchild of Barrie Anthony-Moore, who plays violin while Malvern musician Timothy Field performs on the Elgar instrument.

Mr Anthony-Moore, from Bodenham in Herefordshire, praised the piano, which bears a brass plaque commemorating the duet.

"It was restored last year and it gives an authentic flavour of the music of that time," he said.

"The CD is aimed to reach out to people from different countries, with Worcestershire and Bredon Hill as the focus," he added.