THE future of a skate park, which angry neighbours claim is "too noisy", will be decided by Worcester City Council tomorrow.

RampAge, on Orchard Street, Cherry Orchard, is hoping to win an extension to the temporary 12-month planning permission it was granted last May, which will allow it to stay open.

The planning committee deferred the planning application when it met last month to allow the owners more time to complete a programme of works to insulate the converted warehouse.

It was hoped that this would end the noise problems for local residents, whose complaints led to a noise abatement notice being served on the skate park.

The applicants have also been asked to submit plans for a rolling programme of works to further reduce the noise, such as filling in the hollow ramps.

At the last meeting chief planning officer Peter Yates said he felt the use of the warehouse as a skate park was appropriate but agreed that the noise issue needed further investigation by environmental health officers.

A verbal report on the effectiveness of the insulation measures will be given to the planning committee when it meets to discuss the proposals.