A MAN has expressed his concerns at dirty nappies being dumped outside the shops in St Peter's, Worcester.

Bill Smith said overflowing dog bins and people setting fire to bins were other problems in the area.

"When the rubbish is collected outside here somebody has been putting dirty nappies in the bins," said Mr Smith at St Peter's Parish Council meeting.

Mr Smith, of Raven Drive, St Peter's, said he had heard complaints of dog bins overflowing with waste, on the cycle path leading to Tesco.

Setting fire

"I went up there on Sunday - someone had been setting fire to the bins," he said.

Mr Knight said he had spoken to Worcester City Council, which said a budget shortfall had resulted in the dog bins not being emptied.

"The council now has additional resources to empty the bins," he said.

Wendy Roberts, parish officer, said the city council was gradually replacing the plastic dog bins with metal bins.

After the meeting, Mr Knight said the discarded nappy incident, which took place outside Abbotsbury Court shops was a one-off.