PEOPLE in St Peter's will be arming themselves with rubbish bags this month to clear the parish's streets of litter.

Members of St Peter's Parish Council have announced that a litter pick will take place on Tuesday, April 29, at 7pm outside St Peter's Village Hall, Worcester

The Duckworth Worcestershire Trust is providing the parish with the required tools for the job, such as pickers and bags.

"The litter pick will take place in the centre of St Peter's for around an hour, " said Roger Knight, chairman of the parish council, after the parish council meeting held on Monday.

"The trust will take away the waste afterwards from a central point.

"The trust has helped us in the past with the tree planting by the sub-station in St Peter's, and the trust gets involved with environmental issues here.

"We did our first proper litter pick last year and it was a success - around 30 people from the parish council and community took part."