IT'S hats off to Tenbury Hospital League of Friends with contracts having been signed and the first turf cut for phase two of the extension programme.

Announcing the good news at a ceremony at the new site on Monday, a delighted Margaret Morris, chairman of the committee, said: "This is a great day for Tenbury and everyone involved in the project.

"Contracts have been exchanged with builders Thomas Vale, the ground has been broken, and this is an exciting time for all of us."

The long-awaited, phase two of the £350,000 project will soon be in progress and it is hoped will be completed by December this year. Major finance comes from local fund-raising backed by additional cash from South Worcester NHS who have agreed to meet costs for the new out patients and reception area.

The first phase, an impressive £400,000 wing, was unveiled in May 2001 and it is a great tribute to the hard-working League of Friends that phase two has got off to an early start. Designed by the Coventry-based Design Buro, plans for the new extension include physiotherapy and speech therapy units, a new reception area and upgrading of the outpatients department and car parking areas.

Paul Thatcher from Thomas Vale, said: "We are pleased to be chosen for the phase two development. It is also nice to be part of a team which has contributed so much to the project."

Michael Ridley, chief executive of South Worcester NHS, said: "This is a tremendous day in the further development of Tenbury Hospital. The encouragement of the local population is fantastic and the Primary Care Trust is 100 per cent behind the League of Friends."