GREAT Malvern is to get a third regular market in the car park at Waitrose supermarket.

The Tuesday market has been set up by Malvern Hills District Council to run alongside the existing Friday market and monthly Farmers' Market at the Council House in Avenue Road.

Traders have welcomed the move.

Robin Elt, chairman of Great Malvern Traders' Association, said he was delighted.

"I think it's excellent. As long as there's at least one market in town that will be fine," he said. "Any influx of people in to the centre of Malvern for whatever reason is always welcome."

Mr Elt will be officially opening the new market on April 15, the first day of the school holidays. The council hopes it will provide a fun day out for families looking for an Easter bargain.

Elaine Hawthorne, head of business support at Malvern Hills District Council, said the council expected the new market to make a vital contribution to retailing in the town centre.

"We hope to attract a wider range of traders in such areas as hardware, furnishings, fancy goods and clothing as well as in food, flowers and drink," she said.

"We believe that the extra numbers attracted by the new market will have a spin-off for local shops and improve the vitality of Great Malvern."

The right to hold a market at Waitrose is contained in the store's planning permission, although Fridays and Saturdays are exempt.

Gill Smith, a Waitrose spokesman, said the company welcomed any step that promoted the vitality of Malvern town centre.

Grenchurch Ltd previously ran the Friday market at the Back Lane car park, where Waitrose is now located.

Douglas Cotton, markets executive for the firm, said he was looking forward to returning to the town.

"It's very much like a homecoming," he said. "We're hoping that the introduction of this market in a prominent part of the town will not only provide a vibrant market identity but there will be the spin-off for other traders in the area as well."