BELATED Mother's Day messages are due to be recorded and broadcast to a Worcester mum serving in the Gulf.

Jennifer Poyner will hear the messages from her three children on British Forces Broadcasting Services (BFBS) thanks to a link up with BBC Hereford & Worcester.

Husband Alan said he would arrange for their children - seven-year-old Mary-Anne, nine-year-old David and 12-year-old Kenneth - to visit the Hylton Road studios.

"I think the kids will love to do that for her," said Mr Poyner, of Peterborough Close, Ronkswood.

"It will make them feel a bit better.

"At the moment we've just had loads of letters. We had a lot arrive on one day.

"She sounds like her spirits are high and coping with things.

"The kids were over the moon to get the letters as there was a week when we didn't hear anything. Now we're starting to get some news they're starting to feel better."

Mrs Poyner is a nurse in 202 Field Officers reservists of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

She was sent out to the Gulf five days before war officially began, though she had been away from her family for two weeks while waiting to fly out.

The Evening News reported that the new service was on offer at the BBC on Saturday. It enables friends and families of troops in the Gulf to go into the studios between 10am and 3pm to record a one-minute personal message. This is then transmitted to the troops in the Gulf.