WOMEN in the county who run their own businesses are running out of time to claim a £10,000 cash prize.

The money is for the winner of the T-Mobile Women mean Business awards for the Midlands, which celebrates the outstanding achievements of women who have turned a business dream into reality and are now running successful companies.

"We are looking for women who own businesses that are more than two years old," said a spokesperson.

"We know there is a huge pool of talent in the Midlands, but perhaps local businesswomen, unlike their male counterparts, are reluctant to shout about their success."

Any size business can enter the awards, providing that the majority of shares are in private ownership.

Companies can range from multi-million pound organisations to a more modest table-top industry.

Trade and industry secretary, Patricia Hewitt, who helped launch the awards, said she expects record numbers of women to start new businesses in 2003.

"In the United States, the level of women's business ownership is twice that of the UK.

"One of my aims is to match, or even exceed, what has been achieved there," she said.

For more information and an entry form call 020 8673 2020. Closing date for entries is Friday, April 11.