BUDDING Picasso's are being invited to showcase their talent in a blooming marvellous competition.

Droitwich Spa Town Council wants town children to enter the annual Heart of England art contest.

The event aims to promote the local environment and this year youngsters can submit work in any medium, on the theme of wild flowers.

Normally only paintings are accepted but Town Clerk Diane Malley said pens, crayons and even computers can be used to create masterpieces.

The competition will run in conjunction with Droitwich Spa in Bloom efforts, organised by a local working party.

There will be top prizes for winners and the best three will go onto a regional round.

Children aged four to 16 can enter and artwork will be judged in four separate age categories.

Pieces can be a maximum size of 51cm by 76cm and entry forms are available at the Town Clerk's office in St Richard's House, Victoria Square.

Alternatively call Mrs Malley on 01905 774258.

Entries must be the child's unaided work and group submissions are not allowed.

The closing date is May 30 and it's anticipated that an exhibition of winning entries will be held in Droitwich later this year.