April 7: New Venture - Second Hand Books, Buy and Sell at 31b Barbourne Road, Worcester.

April 8: ICE Midlands are holding a meeting at Avoncroft Museum, Bromsgrove. For further details telephone Peter King on 01905 361275.

April 9: Take Two Social Group for the unattached are meeting at The Crown, Powick. For further details telephone 427281/27415 or 428567

April 9: Live Wyres Social Singles are meeting at The Old Leaking Well, Dunhampton. For further information telephone 01905 797356/726142 or 821349

April 9: RSPB Meeting at Powick Village Hall with guest speaker Brian Cockayne.

April 10: The Evening Primrose Bereavement Support Service are meeting, at United Reformed Church, Albany Terrace, Worcester. For further information contact Doreen Cook-Hopkins on 01905 26966.

May 10: Your chance to see BAKTRAK, appearing at Sketchley's Social Club, Weir Lane, Worcester. To book your tickets telephone 01905 422756 or call in.