THERE can be few spots on earth as perfect or beautiful as Pershore Abbey and it's surroundings. Yet the council seem to spend much of their time on plotting how to despoil this area of the town. The latest scheme is a skate board park.

Here you have an almost perfect spot for nature lovers, people walking dogs a lovely, peaceful spot - so the council want to build a skate board park.

A skate board park is not a bad idea but not here. Not in this superb park.

Near the swimming baths and youth club down by the river but not in the grounds of Pershore Abbey. Speaking for myself I would like both the Abbey and it's grounds left strictly as they are. I do not want the outlines of the old Abbey marked out in coloured stones nor tacky boards with photographs of monks.

No, no, no - save the tax payers money - and leave our Abbey alone!

MARTIN THORLOW, Broad Street, Pershore.