I HAVE followed the correspondence regarding the row over the provision of a cinema for Kidderminster.

Many of the letters have laid the blame at the door of Kidderminster Civic Society.

I have no axe to grind. I am not a member of the society but I think these people are the wrong target for the town's anger.

In an article published in the Shuttle/Times & News on December 7, 2000, under the title "Have-a-say plea over town plans", there are two significant quotes.

The article states: "Building work is still to begin on phase one, which will include a cinema, supermarket, restaurant and bars, and only minor demolition work has taken pace so far".

The second quote is part of a statement by the civic society's Charles Talbot, that Slingfield Mill and the nearby Piano Building did not appear in danger of demolition, but the smaller engine house building at the mill remained in jeopardy.

I take it this means that in the original plans for the development Centros Miller included a cinema and the survival of the Piano Building.

In a second article on January 25, 2001, under the title "Vague town centre plans under fire", the position is less clear. At this point Centros Miller have published their glossy images of how the finished project will look.

The article quotes Jake Berriman, then Wyre Forest District Council planning chief, that among his concerns was the lack of information about access generally to the north of the centre, and also to specify a use for the Piano Building.

It would appear that even at this early stage Centros Miller were moving the goalposts. Their detailed plans must have included an indication of the original site of a cinema, with the Piano Building retained.

When did they change their plans? What is now going to occupy the site of the original cinema?

I agree with many correspondents that the Piano Building does not look its best at the moment. It probably does need a great deal of money spent on it to make it useable again - much more than it would take to demolish it and put up another steel-framed brick in-filled shed like the rest of the site appears to be becoming.


Stourport Road
