TWO thousand visitors a month were recorded last year at the library in Upton-upon-Severn, which has a total population of around 2,500.

Numbers are recorded electronically and are roughly the same as last year, said Nigel Preedy, strategic manager for libraries in south Worcestershire.

"It's a very good proportion of the population, even if these visitors are the same people coming back once a week," he said.

"It's very pleasing, but we still want to encourage those who don't visit the library to come along too."

About 35,000 books were issued at Upton during the year as well as CDs, videos and cassette tapes, while many visitors also made use of computers giving free access to the internet.

Other events

Successful poetry and reading groups met there and other attractions included monthly exhibitions, weekly story times for the under-threes, holiday activities for children and a public photocopying service.

The book stock was increased and greetings cards, local arts and crafts and reading glasses were sold.

Even the flower beds are now being attended to regularly and are looking wonderful, said librarian Jenny Ross, in a report presented to the town's annual meeting.

On the downside, the library has a leaky roof and a bid has been made for a new one.