D E Margrett expressed his wish that "the European Union and other technologically advanced countries may compensate Iraq" (You Say, April 10).

May I remind Mr Margrett that the EU is not a country. To quote the EU's own document entitled Panorama of the European Union, "the European Union (EU) is currently made up of 15 countries committed to working together for peace and prosperity. It is not a new state that will replace the existing states."

EU federalists in this country and others would do well to remember this statement when espousing their dreams of a European Nation State.

The UK, France, Germany and so on are all countries, but the EU is not a country, and according to the European Union itself, it will not become one.

We can only hope this is not forgotten by Valerie Giscard d' Estaing and his federalist friends when proposing the latest draft of their "European State Constitution."

GARY WEBB, Worcester.