A CARING schoolgirl, who suffered from cancer, has won a top award for her fundraising.

Elizabeth Cross, a sixth former at South Bromsgrove High School, has been chosen to receive the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award for her outstanding contribution to charity.

Seventeen-year-old Lizzie was diagnosed with cancer of the kidney when she was doing her GCSEs but managed to fight it off with chemotherapy.

Lizzie, of Harvington Road, has won the special award for her work in the field of cancer research, so far raising £13,000.

The teenager has held a concert, organised quiz nights and raffles and put on a fundraising ball.

Her brother Adam trekked through Peru to help raise money for cancer research.

Elizabeth received her award from Jan McKenley, from the National College of School Leadership, at South's certificate evening on Monday, April 7.

The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award was launched three years ago to recognise the charitable work secondary school students contribute to their schools and communities.

Each secondary school in the UK can nominate one student or a group of its students for the award.

It is first time a student at the Charford Road school has achieved the award.