LITTER PICK: Great thanks are due to Bredon WI members and to several members of the parish council who have worked hard to clear the parish of rubbish, unkindly donated by members of the public. There were many drink bottles, loads of plastic bags, a broken car windscreen and much else. Curiously on one stretch of the road there were quantities of codeine bottles. What does that tell us? Wychavon inspectors will look around at our village and we hope they will reward us with a grant, which will go towards funding the new layout at the side and rear of the village hall.

EASTER SUNDAY: The main service of Parish Eucharist will be held at St Giles Church at 10am, followed by an Easter Egg hunt for children. There will also be a celebration of Holy Communion at Bredon's Norton at 8am. Rogation Sunday falls on May 25 when members of the congregation and friends beat the bounds of the parish. The whole walk is about nine miles and there will be opportunities to complete part only of the route. For further information please phone 772237.

BREDON COMMUNITY CARE: This is the time of year when the parish directory, a very useful document, is updated. If you would like to have your group included, or you need to up date the information, then please phone 773370 or 773775.