The president held a party for the Marie Curie fund, raising £76.

At the April meeting, Joy Longmore reported on the council meeting, and Catherine Clark gave an account of Lunch with the speaker. Sheila Gordon read a letter from the group's link institute in Richard's Bay, South Africa, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

J Luxton was guest speaker, talking about crystal and the designs he has created. Several pieces were on display, including replicas of items produced for royal occasions.

Rita Hill retained the Annie Harrison Plate for the second year and June Homer won the "flower arrangement in a glass" competition.

The Denman Bursary was awarded to Jean Curry.

Future events include an outing to Shugborough, music at Hartlebury Castle on June 20, a day at Denman College on August 11, and a trip to a Christmas market in Cologne, Germany, in December. The next meeting is on May 14, at 7.30pm in Blakedown parish rooms.