OUR village hall will be the polling station for the elections to be held on Thursday, May 1. Our present district councillor Tony Sumner is not standing again, but there are two nominations for this post, they are Mary Unwin (Conservative) from Longdon Hall North and Julia Wildin (Liberal Democrat) from Marlbank Road, Welland. There will not be an election for parish councillors as only three nominations have been received for the seven seats available. Those three are Jane Crowther, Anne Rule and Tim Kershaw. A fourth candidates' papers were invalid. I wonder if this lack of enthusiasm is anything to do with the Code of Conduct that was introduced nationally last year and nationwide thousands of councillors, many of them long standing members, refused to sign and were forced out of office.

The recent fine weather encourages many of us outside to enjoy a spot of gardening but Neighbourhood Watch warns us all to be aware that if garages and sheds are left open, this is the time of year when lots of garden equipment, also ornaments and plants are stolen. Also ensure if you are working at the back, the front is not left wide open.