I am writing in response to the letter from Coun Barry Ashton (Your Letters, March 28) regarding the future of Leadon Bank Care Home.

Coun Ashton states that "the facts are the sale, privatisation or closure of Leadon Bank has never been proposed". Coun Ashton is in error.

Firstly, the only people that have "sown fear and despondency among the elderly and the staff" are the originators of the proposals for the homes i.e the director of health, housing and social care and the members of the council. It was the director who in February 2001 stated in his report to the social care committee (option 3): "where neither of the aforementioned options is feasible or appropriate, closure of the homes and moving existent residents to independent sector homes should be considered". That is a fact.

The council has rushed through plans for the future of the homes despite being warned those plans were not compliant with the Human Rights Act. As a consequence it has had to consult again with residents and their families. That consultation has again clearly been rushed through. Who, Coun Ashton, in those circumstances is sowing fear and despondency?

It would appear to me, and others, including residents and their families who have expressed a clear wish the homes remain fully within local authority control, that a partnership with Shaw Homes was to be the outcome. So much for democracy. So much for consultation.

STEVE GRIST, Herefordshire RAGE (Relatives' Action Group for the Elderly), Monnington-on-Wye, Herefordshire.