n I WOULD like to comment on the situation with the traffic calming measures taking place along Bilford Road and the junction of Drovers Way, also Bilford Road and the junction of Astwood Road.

I can see that some action is necessary by the Astwood Road junction, due to several accidents over the years, some of them fatal. However, I feel the motorist is being unduly penalised by the extreme changes taking place by Drovers Way/Bilford Road.

These changes are largely due to uneducated high school pupils, many of whom think it is their right to walk anywhere on the road, including crossing in front of moving vehicles.

I have come close to running over a pupil on many occasions due to the fact they just step off the path without looking.

A lot of taxpayers' money could have been saved if the powers-that-be educated these individuals in road safety and accident prevention rather than inflicting more unnecessary suffering on vehicle owners.

