PLANS are in place to ensure Worcestershire County Council's social services department fulfils its potential in the next three years.

A joint review carried out by the Audit Commission and the Social Services Inspectorate found the department had "excellent" prospects, although it only served some people well.

A draft action plan has been drawn up to make sure standards improve in the near future.

The comprehensive Planning for Improvement 2003/6 sets out the main priorities for the department.

It has identified services for older people as a high priority, and will be putting an extra £4m into these services during the current financial year.

It also intends to invest further in the following two years, to bring funding levels up to the level of similar authorities.


The department wants to increase the number of older people who receive support to stay at home. It wants to do this by:

6 Increasing the amount of home care provision;

6 Developing specialist support services for people with dementia;

6 Developing intermediate care provision.

The social services department also aims to increase the number of physically disabled people receiving support to stay at home, as well as modernising and developing employment and day opportunities.

For people with mental health problems, the major priorities are to develop specialist services such as early intervention services, and to bring the range of day services together.

The council also wants to improve educational attainment among "looked after" children, and review services for children with disabilities.

"My aim has been to lead a culture of performance management," said Jennie Bashforth, director of social services.