Nancy Davis welcomed members to the March meeting. She told us of the death of Rosemary Nicholls, a former member.

Members of the Saltway Group enjoyed the evening at Stoke Prior. Professor Davies spoke on porcelain and brought examples from his own collection.

Audrey Bryant will hold a fundraising tea party on June 12. The outing to Colgrove on August 5 will leave from Avoncroft Arts Centre car park.

Sheila Leavesley gave us a fascinating talk on Severn Trent Water, which has the highest standards in the EU. Rivers are cleaner now than they have been for 200 years. She explained the cleaning process of water and how the methane gas is used to generate electricity.

The competition for flower of the month was won by Betty Gibbs and the raffle by Nancy Davis.

The next meeting is the resolutions meeting and will be held on May 1 at 2.30pm at Stoke Prior First School at the invitation of Mrs Evans. Some of the pupils will give a short recital. For more information phone Mrs M Hartley on 01527 833034.