A NEW walkway to Stourport's riverside is set to be built to boost tourism in the town.

The £2,000 town council scheme involves laying a path from Coopers Lane to the river through the site of the former public toilets and landscaping the area.

The conveniences included a riverside route before they were demolished in 2001 following widespread vandalism.

Wyre Forest District Council owns the fenced-off plot and had earmarked it for new homes but the plan was dropped following concerns about access.

Town councillor Mick Grinnall, who has been co-ordinating moves, said the town council would initially have control of the site for 12 months but its tenure could last years if the district council does not request the land back.

He added town businesses had been hit by falling trade because poor access to the riverside was deterring visitors - especially mothers with young children and the disabled - to the town.

"It's a hell of a job for people pushing wheelchairs or a pram up the road by the civic centre. The slope starts in the car park," said Mr Grinnall.

"I hope this will serve to give the town a bit more of a boost."

The district council's commercial services manager Andrew Dickens said he saw "no reason" why terms for the temporary licence will not be agreed but added discussions were on hold until after the May elections.