A WEBSITE giving internet surfers a glimpse into Evesham's past has had so many hits that the project is to be extended.

The town's residents have been encouraged to submit their memories and pictures of Evesham to the website www.ngfl.gov.uk/localhistory.

The National Grid for Learning's local history trail site is Government-funded and gives visitors hints and tips about how to use the internet to research old buildings, historic monuments and towns' and villages' histories.

Hundreds of contributors have helped build up a gallery featuring a national map of local history, while thousands of site visitors have sent free e-cards to their friends.

The trail, launched in February, was due to end tomorrow but proved so popular that it was extended to coincide with Local History Month, taking place during May.

Helen Bader, NGfL content officer, said: "We've been delighted with the response to the trail and we are keeping it open longer to give people in Evesham more time to contribute.

"We've had everyone, from pensioners to schoolchildren coming along and posting information and pictures about their area.

"The gallery has attracted all kinds of fascinating stories from all over the UK - things that people wouldn't have heard or found out about before - and there's still time for more memories and tales from Evesham to be added."

The National Grid for Learning brings together more than 900 educational websites. The local history trail highlights some of those in a quiz.