LAST week, somebody wrote in the Evening News asking where were the anti-Iraq war letter writers now that the war was won.

We are still here. As it becomes more obvious by the day that Bush and Blair made no arrangements to contain the inevitable breakdown of Iraqi society immediately after their victory, people should realise that the Bush administration were bent on war - and war alone.

The whole basis for the war, according to Blair, was to find and destroy the 146 sites of the weapons of mass destruction that he spoke of in his speech to the Commons. Where are these sites? Note the specific number of 146. If

he knew the actual number it is a reasonable presumption that they have been counted.

If they have been counted, he and the USA Intelligence must know where they are. In simple terms you cannot count them until you know where they are.

The USA has put in 1,000 of their own inspectors to find these weapons. Why not UN inspectors who are neutral? They have not found any yet. Very strange. To listen to Bush and Blair, you would think Iraq was bristling with WMD just waiting to unleash them on the USA.

Another reason for war was that Saddam Hussein was a threat to other countries. He couldn't even defend Baghdad let alone attack the countries around Iraq.

The nation has been subjected to a gigantic confidence trick by Bush and Blair. The aim was regime change, oil and lucrative contracts for US companies.

Blair was naive and supported him until he backed himself into a corner. It is to our local MPs' discredit that they could not see through this and supported Blair.

TERRY JAMES, Drakes Broughton.