A RUBERY Scouting group is preparing to move with the times by launching its own website.

The Beacon Scout Group officially launched its website last Friday. It offers internet visitors the opportunity to access up-to-date information about the club.

Forthcoming events, news features and photographs are just some of the items appearing on the site, with further enhancements in the pipeline. It has been developed by group treasurer and website wizard Mike Burden.

The site also offers a warm welcome to the new Scout leader Gavin Heath, who will step into the well-worn shoes of John Green, who is moving south.

And it goes on to remind visitors that qualified leaders are extremely hard to find and residents interested in helping out should get in contact.

The group, which includes Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, meets at the Beacon Church Hall in Whetty Lane every Monday between 6 and 9pm. Events for the Scout group diary include its annual general meeting on May 21, at 8pm. The address of the new website is www.beaconscoutgroup.org.uk