THERE'S glimmer of hope around the corner for a Spa World War II veteran seeking a coveted white beret.

Last week, 83-year-old William Sparkes shared his tales of life in the Royal Marines with the Droitwich Spa Advertiser.

He served for 12 years and his work took him across the globe, including months on Arctic Convoy duty during the 1940s.

For these treacherous voyages, which involved deadly encounters with German U Boats and horrendous weather condition, Marines were invited to wear a prestigious white beret.

Sadly Mr Sparkes, of Chawson, has never taken advantage of this honour and he asked your No.1.Newspaper to help fulfil his dream.

We contacted the Royal Marines and they promised to look into the matter.

A spokesman said investigations are continuing but Mr Sparkes has received a call from a top ranking Major who told him: "I will move mountains to help you get the beret. If anyone deserves it you do."

So far it appears the berets are available for purchase from the Russian Convoy Association, of which Mr Sparkes has discovered he is a member .

The white beret was never issued, either as part of the marine's kit, or an award. Watch this space for further updates.